Our Services

My Healthy Benefits is working with a strategic partner to deliver a Healthy Care Strategy that combines several different products and services to provide a wide range of benefits and services.  First, the key foundation of any health care program designed to control medical costs is to AVOID them through a wellness strategy. This program provides access to a state of the art wellness and engagement platform which is huge in terms of building and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Second, PREVENTION is key. The Minimal Essential Coverage (MEC) will provide access to over 60 preventative services such as annual physicals, mammograms, colonoscopies, etc. at no additional cost. Since you can’t avoid or prevent all of your medical costs, you will need to MANAGE these costs with access to a Health Savings Account (HAS). When properly funded, this will allow a member to set aside money on a pre-tax basis to help pay for medical expenses such as dental, alternative treatments, etc. To help MITIGATE these costs, this program will also provide access to 24/7 Telemedicine, Advocacy, and other no-cost tools to help reduce expense. And last, to help CONTAIN some of the larger medical costs, Medical Cost Sharing is a community of like-minded, health-focused members banded together to share each other’s medical costs should a need occur.

A Healthy Care Strategy

Health Excellence Plus is a Healthy Care Strategy offered exclusively by My Academy of Health Excellence. Priced at about half the cost of traditional health insurance, yet designed to comply with the ACA (Affordable Care Act - ie Obamacare). Keep...

What is Medical Cost Sharing?

The best way to take control of your healthcare expenses is to become a Self-Pay Patient. At first blush, that seems scary with your potential financial exposure due to the rising cost of healthcare today. But, what if you could...

How Medical Cost Sharing Works!

Each member contributes an assigned amount each month and those contributions are shared, to meet each members medical expense NEEDS in full! Monthly Contribution Amount Members freely choose to assist other members with their medical expenses by contributing a predetermined...

Principles of Medical Cost Sharing!

Membership requires agreeing to all of the requirements of this section as well as the submission of an application for membership. As long as members continue to meet these requirements and fulfill all membership duties as determined by the Board...

12 Habits of Highly Healthy People

Health Excellence Benefit: My Academy of Health Excellence realizes that wellness encompasses more than your physical well- being.  It includes your emotional and spiritual well-being, your state of happiness and your capacity for appreciation, forgiveness and laughter - all key...

Personal Wellness Program Overview

Benefits of Health Excellence: The My Academy of Health Excellence Wellness Program is twofold. First is the elimination of healthcare costs. Currently in the United States, eighty-six cents of every healthcare dollar spent is used to treat or manage chronic...

Live Healthy, Become Healthy and Save!

Our current insurance system is broken, there is no doubt or argument from anyone about that.  The debate is how to fix it.  We believe we have the best solution and that is for the consumer, that’s you to take back control of your healthcare.  Our current model has everyone running to the doctor for any reason and as a society, we are not worried about taking care of our health because we have health insurance.  That’s the wrong approach! Read through our program or give us a call, we think once you have a chance to understand our Health Care Strategy you will not only be impressed you will want to make a switch from traditional insurance to our alternative program.